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We find that many of our clients struggle with the review and analysis necessary to effectively manage pharmacy wholesaler account utilization, vendor invoices and inventory optimization.   Our process allows for a second set of eyes to identify overcharges, optimization opportunities and results in significant overall drug cost savings.

Clients Receive:

•    Monthly review of pharmacy vendor invoices to ensure accordance with contract terms
•    Assistance in collections of identified overcharges
•    Review of drug purchases
•    Wholesaler optimization recommendations
•    Cost savings implementation support
•    Customized quarterly and annual reports detailing findings, recommendations and documented savings
•    Our services are billed at a small flat rate quarterly and can be canceled at any time
•    If savings does not exceed 200% of our fees, we will not bill.

Areas of Review

•    Inventory reports
•    Review drug wholesaler accounts
•    Inventory management processes
•    Purchase quantities
•    Storage and distribution procedures
•    Brand vs. generic
•    Vendor invoice contract compliance
•    340b utilization
•    Evaluation of split billing mapping
•    Bundled charge carve-outs
•    Metrics to measure effectiveness

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